This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. GO! With Office 2016 Integrated Projects: Provides a practical, project-based book for students with a basic understanding of Microsoft Office. Using the integrated projects and capstones, students can master the true potential of Office 2016 by learning how to work with multiple applications together, as in a real-world business environment. Each chapter provides instruction in the A & B projects using multiple applications, followed by an objective quiz, 2 review projects, and 2 critical thinking projects that apply the objectives of the chapter. In addition, there are 7 capstones that will challenge students to demonstrate mastery of the applications. In today's fast-moving, mobile environment, the GO! with Office 2016 series focuses on the job skills needed to succeed in the workforce. With job-related projects that put Microsoft Office® into context, students learn the how and why at the moment they need to know, all in the appropriate Microsoft procedural syntax. For Office 2016, the hallmark guided-practice to skill-mastery pathway is better than ever. Students have many opportunities to work live in Microsoft office to apply the skills they've learned. In addition, these learning objectives are presented in project-based scenarios that prompt students to prove mastery in the context of real-world application. MyITLab for this text provides students and instructors with access to the eText, chapter quizzes, testbanks, and other instructor resources.