The word ‘public domain’ means that something is not protected by intellectual copyright, trademark, or patent laws. No permission is required to use any materials in the public domain, but nobody can ever own it. The most common ways that materials become public domain are if the copyright expires, if the copyright owner doesn’t follow copyright renewal regulations, if the copyright owner places his or her work in the public domain (on purpose), and if the copyright law does not protect the type of work or material.We, as marketers, are free to use any items that are in the public domain for commercial purposes. This gives us thousands of assets that we can use to profit from. There are tons of ways to monetize the public domain content of different mediums, as long as you have an open mind with some creativity.In this report, I’ll give you a short introduction to the world of profiting off of public domain materials. I will show you how easy it is to collect and sell materials. Hopefully, you’ll take action when you’re done reading this because there are massive amounts of profit to be made.