Are you ready to start a private practice in 2011?When I started my private practice in 2010, I had no idea where to start. Despite 12 years of post-graduate education and 4 years of residency, I never learned any business skills. In my group practice, I learned about practice management but I still did not understand the basic entrepreneurial skills necessary to open my own practice. When I researched this topic online and in books, I was surprised at the lack of simple, practical resources available.This text is a primer for starting a private practice in 2011. It is written as a timeline to make sure that you stay organized, confident, and start your practice on-time and fully functional. Since it is a primer, I have purposely left out large amounts of detail for each step. If you would like help with the steps or would like more intensive consultation, please contact me. I would be happy to setup a personalized consultation plan for you and your new practice.Good luck!Jennie Byrne, MD, PhD