You are about to enter the world of fifteen motivated publicspeakers. This compilation is a gathering of people fromdiverse niche markets. Speakers qualified to participate in thisanthology by demonstrating that they have established aproven track record as a public speaker. Each chapterrepresents the expert’s response to a list of questionsprepared and provided by Holly Porter, CEO of ProsperityPublishing.There is such a diverse group of speakers in this book.Each has a powerful message within them and exhibits theirexpertise. There is humor, humility, and skill with what theyknow. The passion and integrity that shines through each ofthese authors are amazing.You’ll read the expert’s experiences developing and deliveringtheir signature talk. The speakers share their highs and lowsof the public speaking arena. Each speaker shares her or hispersonal journey from the original step-onto-stage talk, tothe polished sought-after speaker who speaks as a career. As you explore the contents you’ll discover that the speaker isan expert on a journey filled with emotions. An expert has todeliver knowledge and expertise that captures the audience’sattention, yet deliver a speech with conviction and emotion.The audience is brought to an elevated awareness of theirpotential. The engaged audience is now ready to take action!Some of you may struggle to find stages and to deliver yourmessage. Some of you may be looking for ideas, wisdom, andinfluence from those who have been on many stages. Someof you may want to see what Sought after speakers are doing!If you’re looking for speakers, this is a good place to start.Each author has answered the same questions throughout thebook and shared with you their experiences, stories,techniques, and strategies. As a bonus, each speaker hasshared three must-read books.